Thursday, March 5, 2020

4 tips to keep your GPA high in college

4 tips to keep your GPA high in college Tips from a Private Irvine College Tutor: 4 tips to keep your GPA high in college Its important for students to have a good GPA as they walk through their college experience. Although they wont have the same pressure as high school students â€" they already got into college after all â€" they’ll still want to consider the importance of good grades. Some students will consider applying to graduate school or simply need to stay off academic probation. Additionally, students with a high GPA might be able to participate in honors programs that give them more opportunity to network or intern. 1.   Focus on smaller assignments Many students forgo putting a lot of effort into smaller assignments that are worth only a few points so they can save their energy for tests and papers. However, these smaller assignments can be the key to a student’s overall success. Even though each assignment is only worth a point or two, all of the assignments added together at the end of the term can equal up to 10% of the student’s overall grade. This can easily make the difference between a B and an A for the average student. Also, most of these assignments take less than half an hour to complete, so its well worth the time to earn these points. 2. Organize like a professional Many college students end up with lower grades, and thus a lower GPA because they forgot about a due date or an assignment. This can be very frustrating especially for students who were totally capable of getting an A on those assignments. The best way to cure the situation is to organize efficiently. When students take notes, write outlines, and prepare ahead of time, theyre more likely to keep an eye out for those little things that can cause a big problem. 3. Attend office hours Students who want to maintain a high GPA usually visit office hours on a regular basis. This is the student’s only time to get personalized feedback from the professor. Students can also ask questions about their notes or clarify something from the lecture. Additionally, when a student visits office hours on a regular basis, it lets the professor know that they are really serious about doing well in their course. This means the professor is more likely to spend time with a student or respond to last minute emails (READ: 5 Sings You Need a Math Tutor in College). 4. Effective studying Any studying is better than none at all but an effective study is what will earn a student a high GPA. Students are encouraged to work with their study group, tutor, or the TA to determine the best way to study for a particular course. Once good study habits are developed, students will save a ton of time and be able to save that energy to complete optional assignments for extra points or simply enjoy a healthy work/life balance. Learning how to study could easily be a course in and of its self, and in fact, some colleges offer a course on this subject geared towards first-semester freshman. Learning how to study the right way is one of the most important things a college student will do. The best way to keep your GPA high in college is with the help of a private Irvine college tutor from TutorNerds. Call us today for more information. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write.

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